Monday, October 23, 2017

223: can't blame that on singleness

So I'm starting to think that my occasional melancholiness has nothing to do with being single and more to do with my own temperament. My natural, sinful leaning toward discontent.

And that a change of circumstances is not going to take that occasional dissatisfaction or quiet contemplation away.

I'm thankful that I can be single long enough to differentiate a little between what parts of me are responses to who I intrinsically am and what may change with different life situations.

Basically, I am thankful again for the better clarity that comes with prolonged singleness. No where near clear as crystal, but it's fun to know yourself a little better, and a little convicting not to be able to blame something on not being in a relationship, but instead know you'll always have to deal with it...

This is my single life. And I need to get to bed now.

What can you not blame on this season of life?
I am participating in "Write 31 Days," where a bunch of bloggers write...for 31 days. My theme is "This My Single Life," with a focus on the blessings of this season. Hopefully it's obvious to anyone who knows me or has read my blog that I want to be married and have kids. But at 32 years old, I am quite single, and I think it's God-glorifying to highlight the good things God has given me with singleness. Click here to access the links for my 31 days of writing! And if you want to read everyone else's blog posts, go to and click "Linking Up" for the categories!

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