An acquaintance challenged me to let go of the idea that whoever I might be pursued by must have the same theological framework as me. For example, that people on opposite sides of the Calvinist/Dispensationalist fence can get along in a marriage.
So, I ask the question, how important are my beliefs to me?
Why do I feel like I must agree with my husband on these points?
Does theology matter? Does it matter in my practical, doing-life-with-my-husband, life?
I believe in a rapture. So how would that belief affect how my husband and I lead our lives? It probably wouldn't. (Though, I suppose if I believed that the church was going to bring God's kingdom to earth, I would be more intent on changing the world's institutions.)
Maybe it would take looking at each theological belief step by step to really figure out how each affects my practical life and why it needs to be shared by a potential spouse.
But what does it matter what a fellow believes about end times theology, about predestination, about a host of other issues as long as he loves God and follows Him with all his heart?
And, as modern day Christians, with all our denominations and church divisions, are we focusing too much on the minor points?
Why does theology matter? Because it is what I believe about the living Word of God. I am passionate about what I believe the Bible says. And why would I invite conflict by marrying a man with whom I disagree over heart-deep beliefs? How could I choose an intimate relationship with someone who disagrees with what I'm passionate about?
Should it matter?
Does it matter?
It does to me.
Because if what I believe about God's Word doesn't matter, what does?
It matters quite a bit to me, too, but I can see how I could start letting go of the importance of these issues if my emotions were already involved with somebody of differing views. Hold on, Michelle. Don't let go of them.