Thursday, October 6, 2016

Day 6 of 31 Days of My Single Life

I've got nothing. I'm literally spiritually and mentally empty. I am holding on to the promise of tomorrow being the day that ends the week like a...well, that would take too much time and brainpower to come up with an apt simile, wouldn't it?

Tonight I searched for a poem on the Columbian Exchange. Because my kids read a poem each week for homework, and Monday is Columbus Day, and I already did the poem on Columbus last year, and we've already talked a little about the Columbian Exchange this year. You know, what the Europeans brought to America and what the Native Americans gave to Europe?
Then I decided that internet searches on the facts of the Columbian Exchange could not be trusted (like, I thought sugar was grown in Barbados--why are they saying Europeans introduced the Americas to sugar?), so I was like, hey, I was a history major, I've got history books lining my shelves (actually, I've reduced them to one shelf, double-layered), so I got out my three History of the United States books (because I rented my History of Civ book and so could not refer to that), and good ol' Paul Johnson actually helped (Paul Johnson is DA BOMB.) (Too much? I'm tired.). I even found out that the Portuguese grew sugar on Madeira before the Columbian Exchange began--at least, that's what a brief skimming seemed to convey. I obviously fail as a history major.

Bella's bed that has been taken over by
my grandma's dog Angel, and two of my history books
splayed out in research
I could truly ramble on and on, but no one wants that. In fact, what I wrote so far is probably boring in comparison with what I could write. But it is almost 10pm and I am still sitting here on my floor decked out in the yellow dress with white polkadots I wore to school, which is not exactly sleeping attire, so I better wrap this up.

Nice little bow on top . . .

Yep, nope, can't come up with anything.


Oh, oh! I did think about writing a poem on the Columbian Exchange since the one I found online was sooooo one-sided, and an exchange, by definition, is two-sided. If I write that poem, I will be sure to post it here. With a clear date of when it was written and clarity that I am its author. Cuz I found that other poem on TWO blogs, both apparently claiming ownership. Even fuzzy citation of source would be helpful, people! :-P Those bloggers.... XD

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