Saturday, December 14, 2019

247: planning

I've been feeling a bit blue, unusually lonely.

I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because of how early it goes dark.

Tomorrow I'm teaching Sunday School. Our key verse is Galatians 4:4 - But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son....

I'm reminding myself how God had the birth of Jesus planned for many, many years. He orchestrated all the different events so it would come down to that moment in time when Light would break through the darkness.

God doesn't live my life moment by moment or season by season. He declares the end from the beginning. Whatever He has planned, He started arranging things to make it happen long before right now.

He's got this.

Meanwhile, I remind myself--though lately it's come easy, but for some reason the last couple weeks it has not--that my Hope is not in a person or circumstances but in His sovereignty and goodness, that I belong to Him, and that He is active in our lives.

We can do this, y'all. Let us do it well.

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