Tuesday, March 3, 2020

254: it's okay to feel that lack

I'm considering applying for a specific job position next year.

And I wish I could discuss the idea with a guy. (Not like a dad-guy, but, like, someone who is somewhat invested in my future...you knooooow.)

My latest writing project just got published.

And I'd like to share it with a guy.


Sometimes in life there are times when we really want to share something with a significant other. And that just isn't possible.

Usually for me that happens when there is someone I'm getting to know, or am somewhat interested in, but the natural progression of our friendship hasn't quite arrived at the point of being able to share whatever it is I want to share.

It's aggravating.

You know what? That is okay. It is okay to not have a guy to share those things with. It is okay to feel that lack.

You can feel that missing piece and still be okay. We can still thrive.

Not because of girl power, or because God didn't say it wasn't good for man to be alone, but because God can and does provide all you need, and if you do not have someone right now, well...I have to believe you have enough until God provides a miracle to fill your need.

That's all.

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