Saturday, June 22, 2013

FMF: Rhythm

Joining up with the Five Minute Friday crowd over at Lisa-Jo's wonderful blog. We're all writing about the same word: Rhythm.

I am lost when I'm not at home in my daily routine.

I don't mean when I'm visiting friends or on vacation. Rather, I'm lost when I'm dog sitting, on my own, at someone else's house, and ESPECIALLY when I have a day off from work.

I just do better when my life has a rhythm.

Funnily enough I can't stand when people put me on a schedule. And I am incapable of keeping to any schedule I put on myself. (rebellion?)

But I do better when I'm in a college setting or when I'm working full time and I have to be busy. I'm not self-motivated, but I do just fine when I have to do stuff.

I will do just as much as I need to do. Goodness, that's a bad character trait.

So come two months I will be a classroom teacher again. All year I've been off and on praying for purpose in my life. Ie. if I have free time, I waste it. That's part of why I want to be a wife and mother. Have you seen homeschool moms? They don't have time to waste. I want to live a life full of purposeful activity. But if I'm given a clean slate, an empty schedule? You don't even want to know.

I'm looking forward to teaching again. For one thing, I love everything that goes into getting ready for the school year. And for another, I know that at least from 8 in the morning til 3:30 in the afternoon I will be busy and productive.

Rhythm. You didn't want to know all this and I didn't take the time to make it sound frilly or philosophical, but that's what Five Minute Fridays are about. Just writing.

By the by, I highly recommend going over to Lisa-Jo's link up and just reading others' blogs. It's inspiring, encouraging, and easy, because everyone only writes for about 5 minutes!


  1. Came over from Lisa Jo's! Great post! I agree, I think most of us do better with some sort of rhythm and routine. I know I sure do! But don't beat yourself up! Enjoy this time with a flexible schedule, and learn to be okay with relaxing. When you are a wife and mother, you will appreciate the lesson!

    1. Ah yes, to enjoy the moment :) Easy to forget.

  2. Stopping over from the Five Minute Friday! I do admit that it's easier to stay synched up and in rhythm when you know exactly what you will be doing each day. Have a blessed weekend.

  3. I have a love/hate relationship with schedule. I'm that person who's OCD about getting places EARLY...but I don't like being at the mercy of someone else's schedule or dictation. I like my free will, haha. ;)

    But I'm also a lover of structure and clean-cut corners. Hhmm. No wonder I'm at war with myself so much of the time.

    But hey, I didn't finally get my room cleaned last night. About a week after I SHOULD have cleaned it. Hey, my room, my schedule, my rules. ;)
