Thursday, June 12, 2014

92: opposites attract?

Tonight I sat on a grassy knoll in the warm, but breezy, shade, watching an ultimate frisbee game that I wanted to join, but since I can barely catch or throw a frisbee, I just couldn't bring myself to go do the whole act-like-I'm-playing-when-really-I'm-just-running-around-on-the-field thing.

There were three teams so they rotated out. And in one of the teams was a very cute couple.

I know the guy a very little. The girl came up and introduced herself.

I am quite thankful I refrained from saying what was going through my head: I know who you are. I've stalked you on Facebook. You're with so-and-so, right?

So thankful.

She was all girl. Petite, wearing a cute bright pink shirt, not playing much when she was on the field. He was all boy. Tanned, sweating, putting his all into the game.

I watched them interact when they weren't playing (call it reality TV...without the cameras). They made each other laugh. He'd grab her hand and they'd walk down the hill together and then they'd let go and race the rest of the way.

So cute.

And, once again, I am baffled. Ok, I understand why girls like guys. Because they're GUYS! But why oh why would a guy like a girl? We're nothing like them. We put demands on their time. We aren't their buddies that do all that guy stuff with them. And sometimes, we're silly.

And then, how on earth do two people fall in love?

The verse in Proverbs 30 came back as oh so true:

There are three things which are too wonderful for me,
Yes, four which I do not understand:
. . . [T]he way of a man with a virgin.

Hear ye, hear ye! This, indeed, is a mystery!

One of God's mysterious planned ironies.

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