Sunday, May 26, 2013

FMF: View

So it's Sunday. So I've already written a post. So I've decided to do a Five Minute Friday post late anyway!

The topic: View.

It's all about your view, isn't it?

Does my view take into account that my Father is completely good and is in control and is working everything out for my good and His glory?

Does my view take into account that what is my Father's view of good may not be my view of what is good, but that's okay because what I really want is what He wants?

Does my view include believing God? Like, really believing Him.

Beau: "We're going to get through this. I'm not going to leave you. It'll work out."
Girl: "I know. I believe you."

Does my view include believing God, no matter what the circumstances may be?

And if it hasn't, if my view has faltered, if my view has lowered into the AAAAAHHHH! frame, am I willing to repent and move the binoculars up to the heavens? Am I willing to take the binos off the macro/microcosm of today and say, ok, I was wrong, but I can readjust, and take out the telescope and say,

"God, I believe in You. If injustice hits me tomorrow, I will still believe You. I will believe You to be good. I'm not going to stop."

Sometimes I have to remind myself of my life's force by re-proclaiming my faith in Him.

P.S. God, please help us.


  1. I am not religious but well caught by your words. Wonderful view...

    1. I wouldn't have faith if He hadn't proved Himself to me and others over and over.

  2. Loved your post! Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind words. Have a wonderful week!

  3. Lovely cloud picture! And once again, a spot-on post.

  4. I love your post!!! I love how God leads me to what I need to read!!! I am right in the middle of re-proclaiming my faith and truly believing. Thank you for this!

  5. It's been too quiet around here lately. Here that sound? That's the resident cricket chirping.

    1. The resident cricket is chirping because it's summer and that's what he does in the summer. :P
