Tuesday, April 9, 2013

24: running smack dab into a strong dose of true-blue idealism

He is only 15 years old. Almost 16, he tells me. We're cutting vegetables for my friend's little sister's wedding. I've seen him on and off over the last couple years, whenever I travel out of state to visit my friend. But despite not having a real relationship with him, or at least not one that should merit real conversation, he tells me a little of his dreams as we chop olives and tomatoes for the reception dinner.

He thinks about marriage a lot, he tells me. He really wants a family. He says that more than once. He thinks about what kind of father he wants to be. He wants his children to be a better father than he will be, and his children's children to be better fathers than theirs. If the Lord tarries, he adds.

And I don't know how to handle his admission.

Because I feel like I know reality. His desire is so good! I know he can work on becoming a godly young man and preparing himself for marriage right now, while he's still a few years short of adulthood.

But he also might find himself a decade later still without the prize. Cynicism pricks my insides.

What happens when hope deferred faces off with youthful idealism?

It depends on what's in your heart.

More later, Lord-willing....


  1. LOVE this post, Michelle! I feel this way ALL THE TIME. Younger people sound so hopeful, confident and purposeful...and inside I just laugh at them. Because I know that anything dreamed up younger than at least 20 years old will usually turn into a false fairytale...

  2. I've been worrying about posting stuff like this so I'm glad you can relate! :-D

  3. Woman, keep posting this kind of stuff! It's the gut-honesty that people relate with. Everyone knows that everyone hides...and so when someone is brave enough to be REAL, it's SO refreshing and is most impacting! I always say it, but I'm most impacted by someone's full honesty, even if it mean dredging up their dirty secrets...but really? It's the stuff we try and hide from everyone else...that everyone else is also struggling with, too. Keep being brave and posting the stuff that's REALLY on your heart!
