Monday, April 15, 2013

27: trying to express the why's of this blog

Why do I blog? I blog because I need to write. Whether or not people read what I write is more or less inconsequential. Of course I want people to visit and be encouraged! But I can't be discouraged when no one reads because the point is to pour out all my beginning writings so I can learn via practice to be a better writer! (Can you tell I'm giving myself a peptalk?)

Why do I sometimes write about stuff like online dating or love? They say you should write about what you know. Mothers write mommy blogs. People into nutrition write blogs on eating well. As a single 27 year old I write about what I know, or don't know, or am interested in, or something like that. (I have to justify this to myself.)

Why do I write about how I'm realizing I've harbored more bitterness than I care to admit? Why do I write personal stuff? Not because I enjoy it! The vulnerability of other bloggers always ministers to me, and so I hope that I can do the same for anyone who stumbles across this page. (I'm trying to attain that balance between sharing struggles and sharing solutions. I can share struggles just for shock value, and I can share solutions that I'm not really applying just to make myself sound better.)

If you're reading this, thank you so much for stopping by!


what I had considered using for my banner


  1. I love this Michelle. Stick to this peptalk and it will serve you well. We share to connect, vulnerability and all. We share a process not a succinct answer, because really, aren't we all learning? We share not to glorify the muck but to tell the truth and hope others do the same. Write what you know. Write what you wonder about, what you love, what you fear. And remember, you never know who is going to read your words and be ministered to, so you just have to be faithful with your end!

  2. THIS IS A GREAT POST!! Michelle, you really are a good writer!

  3. So are you, Kel-Kel :) Or maybe it's your personality. Or both. :D
