Tuesday, October 31, 2017

230: can't whine, so what then?

You know what the blessing of singleness is? I can't blame any unhappiness on my insensitive husband or on my chaotic kids. I can blame it on what I don't have, but the blessing of prolonged singleness is that, if you're not actively going on dates, blaming stuff on singleness starts sounding like whining and stops being socially acceptable, like complaining about your spouse and kids still is (contrary to God's way, fyi).

You then find yourself forced to either be that negative whiner or, instead, wrestle with God about your feelings. Social acceptability for once has the potential to direct us toward God and sanctification and maybe even intentional thankfulness.

So, ouch though it may be, today's blessing is that whining about being single is not socially acceptable.
Ever need to complain less?

Ok, this post may be a stretch, and it's more a blessing IN than OF singleness, but this is my last post for the month! Hoozah! I'll be posting the complete list of links soon if you want to look back on the other quirky things I've been thankful for this month. :) May God continue to increase our awareness of His many blessings. Ciao!

I have inconsistently participated in "Write 31 Days," where a bunch of bloggers write...for 31 days. My theme has been "This My Single Life," with a focus on the blessings of this season. Hopefully it's obvious to anyone who knows me or has read my blog that I want to be married and have kids. But at 32 years old, I am quite single, and I think it's God-glorifying to highlight the good things God has given me with singleness. Click here to access the links for my 31 days of writing! And if you want to read everyone else's blog posts, go to http://write31days.com/ and click "Linking Up" for the categories!

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