Thursday, November 2, 2017

Compilation of This My Single Life: Blessings links

For most of the days of October I blogged about some blessing specific to singleness. Talk about cultivating an attitude of thankfulness within myself! It was a blessing to focus on blessings even if the blessings came from odd corners of my life. Here is a list of the links to the posts--fyi, some of them ended up being repeat blessings.

seriously, how am I going to come up with eye-catching titles every day?
the blessing in stress
teacher friendship
the blessing of extended singleness
the present
learning about marriage
gotta conversate
time and flexibility
time to jazz
that my present circumstances are more than enough
freedom and flexibility and time
one blah day does not define the rest
external work
can't blame that on singleness
people I've met, places I've been
no clue
no family
sounds in the night
unexpected reminder
different is normal
can't whine, so what then?

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