Thursday, October 13, 2016

Day 13 of 31 Days of My Single Life

Day 13. Not a whole lot to say. How about I write a poem here hunched over my phone in the dark of my room next to the wall outlet? Ok.

Years. Passing by.
Memories. Dust lies.
Stirring. Remembering.
Twirling, tearing, cannot undo.

Words said
How horrid I am
To have said what I said to that guy

When will I ever learn
To call it quits before I crush him like rocks into sand?

What is this thing dating,
Or courting, or whatever you call it

Without the commitment of marriage
Yet faithfully exclusive
Together, but seeing if it will work?

How do you know when your preference is important
Or when a quirk doesn't need to be changed?
When a thing he does drives you bonkers
Or when tolerance needs to reign?

These things I don't know, I confess it
If it were marriage I'd stick it through
But this "together" is not forever
And I don't know what to do.

I don't know how to do it well
I know it
I have tried and failed miserably
And now I've immortalized my failure in a poem
However free-versish it may be

Here's to applying the lessons learned
Here's to "others have made it"
So it must be possible no matter, and I'll try again
Sometime, and hope not to botch it.

Not regretful, cuz there were reasons they ended
And mostly I initiated that
Not regretful just reminiscing
Of what has happened, is over, and past

Poem ended. Just been thinking back a lot lately. Definitely not just over one occurrence alone. I have so much to learn--too bad most of it has to be learned through trial and error.

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