Thursday, October 20, 2016

Day 20 of 31 Days of My Single Life

Lying in bed, about to put my phone on the nightstand, when I remember I haven't done my daily post.

I'm sad my future husband won't know my grandma.

That's one of the not nice things about marrying later. You miss out on parts of each other's lives. If you believe that our pasts are part of our presents, then it's sometimes sad to think the other person will only know the present-tense you and won't immediately appreciate what has led to this.

I struggle back and forth. Part of me is a firm believer that everything in my past is an important part of my life. I want those parts communicated because they are my story.

On the other hand, have you ever seen pix of someone 10 years earlier or they tell you what they used to be like personality-wise and you thought, "Ooh, I'm glad I didn't know them then." Sometimes it's a prettier picture NOT having to deal with earlier copies of a person.

But the people that knew them then, do they know that person better than you do?

Is the present-day persona of you a more accurate representation of yourself than the collected years of you culminating in the present?

What does this have to do with anything practical? Good call....

I wish my future husband had been able to meet my grandma.

I hope he gets to meet my Bella dog before she gets old and dies.

I hope, well, that I am not single all my life.

That's not being desperate. I love my life. I'm happier in my 30s than I ever considered being for most of my 20s. But, well, God did call marriage good. And, I believe it.

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