Monday, October 24, 2016

Day 24 of 31 Days of My Single Life

The intentionality of fellowship.

The proactivity of relationship.

Sometimes He drops people into your life who pursue you. They tell you that they are praying for you. They ask you if you have any needs they can pray for. They randomly approach you and, after brief chit-chat, open up and share what God has been teaching them, leaving you wondering what on earth, why on earth, and how can I make this happen again.

And other times you have to ask for, seek, and find people to be your fellowship. You have to build that level of relationship. You have to ask for prayer and bust out of your shy bubble and tell someone you are praying for them and then actually volunteer what is on your heart. Can you hear the door of your innards squeaking on rusty hinges when you share what God is doing with you? Yup.

Sometimes God carries you through dry times. Sometimes you can be doing nothing to grow your relationship with God and yet He, amazingly enough, keeps revealing things to you and making you more in awe of Him. Sometimes you sit there and go this is all Him because I didn't do anything.

And other times you feel the conviction of get up off your nap-mat and take this relationship seriously again. Re-develop those disciplines of prayer and Bible-reading that haven't completely slacked off but haven't been intentional habits like before. Do the work of making time for this relationship, because that's what relationships require, that's what God deserves, and that's the only way that you will make it through this world of temptation.

Sometimes, and then other times.

The waves of life.

The grace of God to provide and prod.

Cutest dog west of the Sierra Nevadas!

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