Sunday, October 16, 2016

Day 16 of 31 Days of My Single Life

I was asked this summer if I was doing my dream job.

Yes. Yes, I am.

Well, second-best dream job.

This morning one of the elders preached on work. Work is not a consequence of sin. God introduced work, intervals of work, with time for reflection, observation, and satisfaction with what has been accomplished. We all have talents and abilities to be used for good work, with or without a paycheck. And the purpose? To serve others.

Eventually I may need to get a higher-paying job, but right now, I can't imagine having it better anywhere else. I am able to stretch and grow and use my talents and abilities in ways I don't know if I would elsewhere. Where I work feels like a greenhouse where I've been able to, well, blossom. There is a need for every person at my school, and opportunities to step up and try something new are boundless. And it's not competitive where you have to be ambitious to get a chance at leading something--believe me, you're more likely to need advice in saying "no" than advice on how to take on more responsibility or participate in service opportunities.

I am so thankful. Because I didn't search for this. God brought me here.

What would be my first dream job? Being a stay-at-home wife and homeschooling mother. I hear that's hard work too. With plenty of opportunities to stretch and grow. I hear it's life changing.

For now, I enjoy the luxury of sleeping in on weekends, grabbing fro yo with friends, and coming home to relatively little responsibility.

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